The GEA Endorsements Program is designed to promote the widespread adoption of GEA standards across various industries. It aims to cultivate a network of pioneers who not only embrace best practices but also set new industry benchmarks, enhancing the overall quality and sustainability of industry practices globally.

Organizations endorsed by the GEA gain visibility and prestige within their sectors, reflecting their commitment to the highest standards of excellence. This recognition can lead to increased credibility, enhanced market presence, and a stronger reputation for innovation and leadership.

To receive a GEA endorsement, organizations must meet and surpass benchmarks in innovation and leadership. This involves a structured evaluation process that assesses their commitment to integrating GEA standards within business operations and their substantial impact on the industry and community.

A GEA endorsement signifies that an organization has a sustained commitment to excellence, demonstrated through the integration of GEA standards in their operations. It is a testament to their pioneering strategies and impactful influence in their industry.

The evaluation process for a GEA endorsement includes a comprehensive assessment of the organization’s adherence to GEA standards, including document reviews, site inspections (virtual or physical), and interviews with key personnel. This process ensures that only organizations meeting the highest standards are endorsed.

By endorsing organizations that excel in innovation and leadership, the GEA Endorsements Program helps set new benchmarks within industries. This encourages other organizations to adopt similar standards of excellence, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and high performance across sectors.

Organizations across various industries can apply for a GEA endorsement. However, they must demonstrate a strong commitment to the principles and standards set by the GEA, including operational excellence, innovation, and positive community impact.

Long-term benefits of receiving a GEA endorsement include sustained recognition for excellence, increased opportunities for collaboration and partnerships, and a stronger competitive edge in the market. Endorsed organizations are also seen as leaders in promoting quality and sustainability in their industry.

The GEA Endorsements Program aligns with global best practices by integrating principles from leading excellence frameworks and sustainability goals. This ensures that endorsed organizations not only meet high standards but also contribute to broader objectives like the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

For more information or assistance, you can contact the GEA Awards team via the email You can also call at (917) 994-0165 for direct support.



To express your interest in the Global Excellence Assembly Endorsements Program, please complete the form below. We will make every effort to respond to you promptly. Please note that filling out this form indicates your preliminary interest in applying for the Endorsement and does not guarantee eligibility.


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